I think this one's been a long time coming...
The inspiration for the lyrics to this one was from a text message a mutual friend sent to me earlier today. The content of said message is for me to know and my friend to disclose at his leisure. However, it got me thinking about what it must be like to always feel like you have to be fighting something, always feeling like you've got something to prove, always feeling like no matter how hard you fight, how hard you try, you'll never win. And how it feels to be constantly reminded of this. I played around with muted chords and a soaring chorus, and the rest of it just came together...
The result is the angriest song I've written in a long time, certainly since Bitterness, and it actually sounds like it would be better suited for a rock band than my acoustic sets. However I've managed a clever 'pre-chorus' section where I hit the top 2 strings and let them ring while palm-muting a chugging rhythm underneath, somehow I think that one's better left up to me.
So, when are we going to hear it? Funnily enough, I would imagine quite soon; it's been a long time since I've been this excited about any song, to be perfectly honest, and it's one of those ones that I can get so enthusiastic about that I will learn quite quickly and not worry about making mistakes. In terms of songwriting, this hasn't happened for a while, in fact quite a lot of what I've written since the summer never even made it as far as my guitar. I think with this one I'm on to a winner, even a possible set closer if I can swing it, but time will tell. For now, when it's ready, I'll put it on the mid-card and see how it goes down.
I should have gone to some sort of open night tonight but I got caught up writing this song, (yes, and playing Bejewelled Blitz, you try having just one go on it,) and it's probably not worth me going down now. I'll try again tomorrow; if the Garibaldi is open I might try there again as I haven't been there for a while.
See you soon!
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