Sunday, 19 June 2011

13/6/2011: Katy Fitzgeralds Open Night

I came tonight with the intention of airing a new song that I like to call One More Show. I think I might have blogged the actual song itself up ages ago but I've not had chance to play it live yet simply because I haven't practiced it enough. I've had enough of playing songs before they're ready and forgetting the words, and did not want that to happen the first time I played it so I went to some lengths to make sure that I'd got it right. All things considered, I doubt it would have made much difference. Due to the running order I'd actually gone on quite late, and most of the clientele were out the back, so I was playing to near enough an empty room, and the people who remained behind were paying very little attention. Here's what happened:

I began with Storm From The North; a break from the norm but as Katies Open Night attracts a lot of the local musos I figured they might appreciate  me playing this one tonight. I played it well, though I left out the Metallica bit; not the right atmosphere, and the pounding verses and the choruses attracted some glances, but other than that what was left of the audience remainded largely impassive.

One More Show was next. I was pleased with the fact that after all that I actually DID manage to play it all the way through without any mistakes. Unfortunately my confidence had been knocked by the way the night had been going so far and I didn't feel right introducing the song as new, or even introducing myself. I think what we had here was the nature of the night having a knock-on effect on the way I was conducting myself, and because I lacked that connection with the audience I was what I was; a guy on a stage playing a guitar and singing something. So whether the song went down well or not, I couldn't honestly say.

I finished off with Right Where It Belongs by Nine Inch Nails, inspired by one of the other guys who was playing Hurt earlier. This is one I've known how to play for a while but never really played before; it needs a bleak and melancholic atmosphere to make it work I think. Sam commented on it when I'd finished, saying it was really nice. The rest of the people in the room had to be reminded to clap.

All in all, not one of my better ones, I think! I don't expect too much from Katies Open Night anymore but this was a disappointment. However it's not something I think any amount of planning and preperation (and for what it's worth, I don't do a great deal of either) could have effected; it just wasn't my night tonight. Let's hope the next one works a little better.

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